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Successful businesses solve problems.

That might seem obvious, but for 250 years a lot of businesses didn’t have to think about helping their customers. Their goal was to charge as much as they could while providing as little value as possible.

But since the internet went mainstream, things have been changing.

Research from Deloitte found that “*Unilever’s ‘*sustainable living’ brands… grew 69 percent faster on average than the rest of its businesses in 2018”.¹

Customers are more aware than ever, and so their demands are more sophisticated.

For your business to succeed in 2024, you must solve actual problems social media audiences are dealing with right now. In this section, I’m going to show you how.

How to Waste Your Time, Money & Energy

Most small businesses begin with an idea.

It’s easy to fantasize about the businesses these ideas lead to.

There are probably thousands of people right now maxing out credit cards to secure premises, test recipes and buy top-end Apple Macs to make their dreams a reality.

6 months later, those people can hardly stop thinking about the debt they’ve racked up, but “it’s okay”, they tell themselves, “we’re about to open for business”.

So they open.

Then they wait for their customers to show up.