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Before I started helping Tobias establish his brand, he was working full-time consulting in the finance sector and pursuing a bachelor’s degree on the side. He wanted to open up another revenue stream online so he could achieve financial freedom faster and take care of his parents.

Tobias recalls that stage of his brand-building efforts as “quite messy”.

“I had no real structure,” he says, “and I was trying to learn everything from free YouTube videos. The writing was tough because I’m not a native English speaker.”

He tried starting his own YouTube channel a couple of years ago, but shut it down after just 2 months because he failed to find any traction.

Now, if you’ve ever taught anything yourself then you’ll know that students who ask good questions stand out. Tobias was one of those students. And once we got to work he was unstoppable.

He thrived on feedback, on knowing which levers to pull and when, and on using proven templates and techniques in his writing (instead of relying on trial and error).


Knowing what he knows about the whole game now, he reckons we saved him 2 freaking years of wasted effort.

He wrote the viral thread above and gained hundreds of followers in a matter of hours.

He created systems that keep his account growing consistently.

When I asked Tobias how our work on spirituality factored into all this, here’s what he said:

“I just started noticing whenever I had negative thoughts come up, and learned how to deal with them. I learned to stop ruminating on those thoughts, and to accept what is.

I stopped numbing myself and wishing things were different. Also, I cultivated a sense of presence and gratitude for the small things in life and changed my general outlook.

The mindfulness training we did together started a chain reaction that got me reconsidering my approach to life. Before, I was chasing the conventional model of success. After, I started understanding the deeper meaning of what can be achieved through a personal brand.

I also understood that I don't have to have it all figured out right away. And that I can enjoy my life without constantly trash-talking myself for being who I am (instead of being who society wants me to be).”

Now Tobias is looking at how he can serve his followers more deeply by building products and services for them. Give him a follow to see what he comes up with.

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