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42% of solo business owners earn over $50,000 per year.¹²³

The rest of them are in the “side hustle” phase, supplementing their job or freelance income and hopefully preparing to transition to a life of their own design full-time.

These solopreneurs contribute a total of $1.3 trillion to the U.S. economy annually—with zero employees.

Clearly, attempting to make money online is no longer an unsafe bet.

So why does it still look that way from the outside?

Well, no university will teach you how to do what myself and other successful solopreneurs are doing. In fact, if you told their career advisor you were giving it a shot they’d probably look concerned.

Large institutions are too slow to stay ahead of modern career opportunities. Still, most people rely on those institutions to tell them what to do with their lives.

The long-held belief is that if you can get a degree in something then it’s a dependable career path. But **52% of recent graduates in the U.S. are working jobs that don't require a degree. This underemployment persists for 45% of those graduates even a whole decade after graduation.**⁴

Still, universities sell “bright futures” for billions of dollars.

This disgusts me.

So in this section I’m taking matters into my own hands. Below, you’ll learn to make the first practical steps toward taking control of your own financial destiny (without going into a single dollar of debt).

How Mainstream Education Put You In a Mental Prison

Imagine someone knocks on your door right now and tells you, “get in the limousine—from this moment on you’re in charge of the country.”

How will you keep things running smoothly?

Like everyone else who ever tried, you’ll have to use rules.

Rules are great for managing groups of people. For example, the rule that every child must attend school does one good thing, at least: it gets underprivileged kids out of less-than-ideal homes and into more supportive environments.