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I’ve tried to make this course as simple and easy to follow as possible. That said, this isn’t baby stuff: we’re talking about making your greatest contribution to humanity here.

There are four big challenges I see over and over again among the hundreds of people I’ve guided through this territory.


“Confusion is what occurs when you begin to consider another point of view.” —Don Weed

If you want to live a life free of confusion, just stay in your comfort zone.

Of course, the trade-off is that you’ll never grow.

Learning and doing difficult things is where all the outsized rewards of life are found—because those areas of life are the least exploited.

So if you find yourself scratching your head, frowning, or feeling like you’ll never “get it” at any point during your time with this course—good. That’s what adopting an uncommon perspective feels like at first. And if freetirement were common there’d be no need for this course.


There are no guarantees in entrepreneurship.

But here’s the thing: there are no guarantees in employment either.

No-one ever considers this, but at the top of every private sector business is an entrepreneur. And every entrepreneur can fail in an instant—no matter how big their business is.

Remember this when you feel like going it alone is more dangerous than staying in your job.

The only difference is that the illusion of security has been stripped away.

Now you see the risks and difficult decisions everyone must make in business (whereas in employment you’re shielded from them).

Many people say ignorance is bliss.

I say seeing things as they really are and developing whatever skills you need to navigate them skilfully is bliss.
