This mini-course—*Freetirement Foundations—*is the summary of a 24-year spirituality, personal development and business journey with a lot of ups and downs.

In fact, that journey was mostly “downs” for the first 22 years. But 2 years ago I came online and entered a new reality where, finally, the cap on what I could achieve with my knowledge and skills was removed.

But I didn’t stop there. Seeing the vast opportunity in this space, I immediately got obsessed with a series of new learning curves that would enable me to maximize my ability to benefit myself and others:

The more I learned, the more I was able to help people. And the more I was able to help people, the more money I received in thanks.

4 months after starting my X account, I sold my first coaching call for 4X more than I was charging in my previous career ($150 up from $40).

4 months after that, I launched my first course with just 3000 followers and generated $10,000 in profit.

I immediately closed my old music tuition business and since then I’ve had a steady flow of inbound dream clients (who ask me for help with spirituality, personal development, business or some combination of these.)

As my calendar filled up, I increased my rates. I now charge $300 per call. 2020 Dan would never have believed this was possible. 2024 Dan knows people are happy to pay that much for what’s on offer (usually because it’ll earn them way more in return).