If you’ve read all the material in this course, congratulations—you made a time investment in yourself which could prove to be the most significant investment of your life.

If you applied all the material in this course, you’re among the top 1% of beginner creators I’ve worked with—and you’re setting yourself up for a life of enormous benefit.

But if you’re anything like I was when I first discovered the information in this course, you’ll feel two things very keenly:

  1. There’s a lot of learning ahead
  2. You need to get out of your day job as soon as possible

I’m here to help you achieve both.

That said, it’s not impossible for you to go it alone from here.

If you keep applying the principles, strategies and tactics I’ve shared here in *Freetirement Foundations—*and a lot of trial and error—you can get pretty far.

But since you’ve read all the way to the end of this course, I suspect you’re a good student. I love good students, so I’d love to have you in my upcoming Freetirement Frameworks cohort.

Freetirement Frameworks is the natural continuation of everything you’ve read and applied here in Freetirement Foundations. Here’s what’s on the program:

<aside> 💡 If you’re super, super keen, I have even more good news: *Freetirement Frameworks—*as a whole—is actually a series of 4 cohort courses, each corresponding to one of the 4 I’s of Freetirement. You can enroll on all 4 cohorts at a discount.


For more information on the whole Freetirement Frameworks series, click here.