It's time to reflect on your experience of receiving the initial teaching on our first live call.


  1. An account of your experience (ie. I understood the words but didn’t feel I could grasp what they were pointing to. Nonetheless, I felt calmer the longer Dan spoke.)

  2. Agreements you have with what was said (i.e. I see that awareness is the basis of all experience.)

  3. Objections you have to what was said (i.e. But even though I see that awareness is the basis of all exeprience, I don’t see how this helps me. So what if awareness is the basis of all experience? I still hate my boss!)

  4. Any further relevant thoughts or experiences you’ve had in the days since. (i.e. I’ve been able to recognize awareness in quiet moments, but it’s been more difficult when out & about.)

Remember: if you're in full agreement with what you heard—and can live that truth without interruption—congratulations: you're enlightened and I’ll be giving you your money back! But no practitioner I've ever met has had that experience on first encounter with this teaching. There's always some objection or resistance, and that's why this course is necessary.

<aside> 💡 Please put aside any hesitations you might have about disagreeing with, challenging or questioning me.

That's so important, I'm going to write it again...

Please put aside any hesitations you might have about disagreeing with, challenging or questioning me.

It's super important that I hear your objections so we can work through them together. If you hold back on this you will not get the full value from this course.

Don’t worry, you won’t hurt my feelings :)



Write your reflections in the page below.

Your Reflections