Now you're going to begin transitioning from "seated" practice to daily-life mindfulness. This is what this course is all about.
Open your Insight Timer app and start the bell you set up earlier.
Each time the bell rings, rest naturally without seeking or describing anything.
Feel free to experiment with using 2 deep breaths as a physical marker of your intention to practice.
If you're like most people, you'll find the bell annoying at times. Maybe you're doing something when it rings and so it feels like an interruption. Or maybe your practice itself feels like a chore sometimes. This is all good data.
Here's the best attitude to take up when the bell sounds...
This bell symbolises your wholesome commitment to realising natural wellbeing, which is inseparable from mutual benefit.
Society conditioned you to obscure this wellbeing with delusion, desire and dissatisfaction. This is why so many people struggle in life.
In this course, we're collaborating to decondition you—so that you simply stop creating those mental obscurations. As you do, you reveal the natural happiness, peace and clarity that is your birthright.
This has already happened for hundreds of millions of practitioners who, by various means, got quiet and realised their true nature. You may have heard of that taking years.
Some traditions even claim it takes multiple lifetimes. But this depends upon past and future, which makes them a tradition of duality, not nonduality.
I'm giving you the most direct path—confirmed by my cross-referencing of dozens of wisdom teachings, neuropsychology, results from my own experience and those of my students.
Your bell represents all of this. When it rings—and you rest as awareness—you're actually practising the essence of all genuine wisdom teachings.
This is not a selfish act—it's win/win.
Familiarity with this practice—and arrival at the realisation to which it leads—is synonymous with mutual benefit.