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Congratulations, you’ve made it through the bulk of Freetirement Foundations!

But if you’re like 99/100 people I’ve worked with, you won’t have completed all the practical steps yet. Maybe that’s for practical reasons. But more often than not, the barriers to the practical steps in this game are mental/emotional.

When I started this project, I was determined to create a course that not only tells you what to do, not only tells you how to do it, but also tells you how to navigate the inner struggles that come with the territory.

That I’d addressed those struggles before ever showing up online is why I was able to leap over the early obstacles of online business so quickly.

So consider this section an extra helping hand.

The Philosophy

Scroll down if you just wanna get to the action—the shit to do to actually change your mind.

Personally, I always found the philosophy important: I always wanted the “why”. It made the action part much easier. But you do you. Unless “doing you” hasn’t been working—in which case, do something else.

1. The Self-Trust Secret

It’s impossible to not trust yourself. Because if you think you’re untrustworthy… You’re trusting your judgment that you’re untrustworthy.

You might need to read that again. There’s no simpler way to say it, but the insight is powerful.

So you may as well cut the bullshit, stop hiding behind layers of thinking, be brave (we’ll cover this later), and do what feels right in your gut. Even if no-one else agrees (we’ll cover this too).

Yes, this is risky.

It’s safer to do what everyone else is doing.

Until, that is, you end up in a midlife crisis. Or, worse, on your deathbed, realizing you wasted your life doing what everyone else wanted you to do instead of doing what you wanted you to do.

If you’re 30 and you live till you’re 77, you only have 2453 weeks left. If this makes you uncomfortable, it's time for big changes. Good news though: if you’re taking this course you’re in the best place for making those changes happen.

2. Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

“Not only am I going to experience fear whenever I’m on unfamiliar territory, but so is everyone else.” —Susan Jeffers, PhD