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You may already have read the following on one of my websites, but it’s worth repeating:

Imagine I ask you to give me 40 hours of your life every week for 45 years. During that time:

In return:

I won’t guarantee you’ll make it to the finish line, nor will I guarantee how long you’ll live after reaching it. (It’s not my problem if you die a year after I release you.)

Do you accept my offer?

Traditionally, most people took this offer because it was the only one they could get.

But in 2024, you can do better. Much better.

The remainder of this course will prove that it’s wise to decline that traditional offer, and teach you what to do instead.

Once you see what I’ve seen, the traditional model of work and retirement will look absurd to you.

The Digital Economy

People have been making money online for decades already, but the further back in time we look, the more risky it was for them.

Now, though, the online marketplace is mature:

The internet used to feel like the wild west, but it now feels like any other marketplace.

Sellers bring their goods.

Buyers browse those goods.

Transactions are made when both parties feel they’re getting a good deal.

This is business in its purest form: simple exchange of value.

That said, there are a few things that are different about this marketplace. And they’re very, very exciting…

1. Scale